Decluttering Mini-Projects [9 Easy Wins You Can Tackle In 15 Minutes Today]


Check in time - it’s almost the end of January! (wow) January is rapidly coming to a close, so I thought a post on decluttering and organizing at home for the new year is overdue.

January is when we reset and refresh from the old to the new. We compartmentalize last year’s negative events into just that, the past year, drawing a line in the sand as we look forward to a new year. Many of us set goals for the upcoming year, looking forward to going after what we want with optimism and motivation.

I too set annual goals, but I find that if my home is cluttered and unkempt, it makes it that much harder for me to focus. I get distracted. Which means it’s tougher to keep after those goals.

Yes, the struggle is real, but I’ve learned over time that the old adage of “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” is true. We can conquer clutter in our homes and lives by breaking household clutter into bite size, easily digestible pieces.

Keep reading for tips on how to accomplish a quickly doable, clutter-busting project so you can better focus on what’s really important to you.

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Decluttering Tips. How do you start decluttering? How can I declutter my house quickly? One small project at a time. Where to start decluttering? Pick one small, doable space. Yes, the struggle to declutter is real, but together we can do it by brea…

I’m a big believer in small wins. Recognizing and celebrating our small successes can often be the motivational boost we need to keep going, putting one foot in front of the other until we finally connect the dots on something larger we want to accomplish.

So what does this have to do with our home environment? Well if you’re feeling less than motivated, allow me to suggest that doing something that yields an easy win can help you push past whatever your frustration is, with the bonus of making your home environment more pleasant to be in.

If you’re anything like me, having a visually calmer space helps you relax and focus.

What you choose for your small win project could be anything of course, but this being a home and garden blog, I’m going to focus on a quick, doable decluttering project.

Decluttering Tips. How do you start decluttering?  One small project at a time. Where to start decluttering? Pick one small, doable space. Try cleaning and organizing just the top of your bedroom dresser or bedside table. Yes, the struggle to declut…

In my own case, this means cleaning up a messy corner in the entry of my newly renovated home office. It’s the first thing I see when I walk in.

There are any number of decluttering projects I could tackle, many of which are in much more dire straits than this little corner, (basement, I’m looking at you!) but this is something I look at throughout the day, and importantly, it’s a small, doable project that can be completed quickly if I only. just. start.

Yes the struggle is real when it comes to combatting clutter. Here’s the first thing you see when walking into my office. This picture showed me the outdoor clutter too - I never got around to pruning my bougainvillea last season and those thorns lo…

Yes the struggle is real when it comes to combatting clutter. Here’s the first thing you see when walking into my office. This picture showed me the outdoor clutter too - I never got around to pruning my bougainvillea last season and those thorns look menacing!


Funny thing is, research has shown that so often getting started is the hardest part. Doesn’t matter what task - whether it’s going for that workout or cleaning off a dresser top. Once we get going, we’re generally pretty good at following through and finishing. If you’re interested in a great book that goes into depth about this, check out The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

With that in mind, here’s a list of other small decluttering projects you can tackle quickly that I guarantee will give you a feeling of accomplishment , a sigh of relief, and make your home feel better to live in!


9 Easy Decluttering Projects You Can Accomplish In 15 Minutes

  1. Sort, toss, and put away your mail wherever it accumulates

  2. Straighten up the top of your bedroom dresser or bedside table

  3. Pick any one paper pile and organize it (pick a pile, any pile :)

  4. Clear out the fridge

  5. Organize your work area (especially if it’s also the kitchen table :)

  6. Clear out your car

  7. Organize a bathroom cabinet

  8. Tackle one small corner of your kid’s toy area (or play table, toy shelf )

  9. Clear and reorganize one bookshelf, drawer, or closet shelf

Decluttering Tips. How do you start decluttering? How can I declutter my house quickly? One small project at a time. Where to start decluttering? Pick one small, doable space. Pick up, sort, and organize just one small play table or corner of your k…

Organization & Decluttering Helpers

If your simple organizing project gets you motivated to take things further, here are a few of my organizing favorites:

Catch-all trays

I sprinkle decorative catch-all trays throughout my house to help contain clutter. There’s one in my office, the kitchen island, my bedroom, and by the front door to be exact.

Bonus - they’re also interchangeable as air plant holders! They display your tillandsias beautifully while keeping them off your furniture in case they’re still damp after watering.

Drawer dividers

These drawer organizers let you compartmentalize your stuff so it’s not all one big jumble. They’re spring-loaded to adjust to your drawer depth so they fit most any drawer. I also use the cedar ones in my drawers with wool sweaters to repel moths (and cedar smells so good too).

Car organizers

I love my organizer for the back of my SUV to corral shopping bags, extra running shoes, tape measures, whatever. And most importantly, they’re useful for holding new plant purchases upright on the drive home!

When my kids were younger, I also had these hanging backseat organizers for holding sippys, gameboys, goldfish crackers and the like.


How’s that office corner you ask? Looking much better I’m happy to report. Tidied up and the artwork that was sitting on the floor is now on the walls. Finally.

What small project needs to be tackled and banished in your home? Take 10 minutes and get after it. The reward will be more than worth the small amount of effort!
