Posts tagged air plants
How To Care For An Air Plant [Watering, Fertilizing, Light]

Looking for the perfect, easy-to-care-for houseplant? Meet the air plant! Air plants are a top contender in the most-popular-houseplant contest, and with indoor plants such a huge trend, that’s saying something! It’s easy to see why - they’re beautiful and unusual while being super-easy to care for. How often do you see that combo? Read the post to have all your air plant questions answered!

Tillandsia Types & Info

Tillandsia are the largest genus in the bromeliad family. There are more than 600 known species and countless hybrids. They’re native to Central and South America and even a small part of the Southern US. Air plants are usually divided into two categories: mesic and xeric, and much of what puts them in one category or the other are the quantity and size of trichomes.

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